Brainhaus Brainhaus Brainhaus Brainhaus Brainhaus


Plasma Brain

Plasma brain is a futuristic super-wide sized installation able to produce long range energy radiation thanks to the use of a several Tesla Coils placed in the surrounding area. It…

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Brain Musical Instrument

Harmonic steel-made artwork designed to generate acoustic frequencies ranging from 7.2 and 15 Hz, the same range that encompasses the actual sound of the Earth and the Om Buddhist Mantra.…

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Brain Infinity Lamp

Portable, double-scaled light intensity, self-powered from overunity circuit when placed on recharging base. Self-recharging portable lighting unit, made by an external fluorescent shell, irradiated by an inner led-light system. This…

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Brain Thinking Energy

This project, developed for the “Midsummer Festival of Cremona” is a joint collaboration between the Brainhaus Project – art group of Parma – and the Teatro Danza association of Cremona.…

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